Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Accuser: A Different View of Hate


Message to all accusers out there: Zip it!

Can't we have a conversation today without being smeared? Unfortunately that is not enough for the accusers among us-they love to spread dissension. If you tell a lie long enough and loud enough, people will believe it. Saul Alinski and Josef Gerbils would be proud.

In J.R.R. Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings', there is a character by the name of Grima son of Galmod, who used his false accusations to weaken the Kingdom of Rohan and deceive the King. The malicious smears took root in the kingdom and poisoned all that was good and decent.

Fortunately, goodness and truth prevailed in the person of Gandalf, he rebuked the accuser stating: "The wise speak only of what they know, Gríma son of Gálmód, a witless worm have you become. Therefore be silent, and keep your forked tongue behind your teeth.

The accuser traffics "hate" through malicious accusations and slander. He appears charming and sensible-he slyly accuses his enemies as being haters. On the outside, the accuser portrays himself as "righteous." But on the inside, hatred has burned a hole in his soul.

His moral condemnations are eaten up by his sycophants, who in turn disperse the accusations with wild abandon. Many follow the accuser and believe his hateful lies. The accuser is undeterred in his defiance of the 9th commandment: "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." But today, "Slander" has become a multi-million dollar cottage industry-" Make a false accusation-file a lawsuit and hit the jackpot, Not a bad gig if you can get it.

Do not believe the lies of the accuser-he appears wise, but is full of hate. If we truly want a national conversation about important issues, goodness and truth will need to prevail. Disagree and debate all we want, but without lies, hate and false accusations. Do not be deceived-say no to hate-say no to the Accuser.



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