Friday, December 30, 2011

7 “continuing resolutions” for 2012

Pic by Jannoon 028

Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits. ~ Anonymous

2011 is coming to an end, and I will NOT be making any new resolutions. Instead, I have to work on the old ones I have yet to master. I figure if politicians can have ‘continuing resolutions,’ so can I.  

 I’m reading a book by Psychologist, Irvin D Yalom; Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of Death.

In the book, Yalom discusses Schopenhauer’s concept of “eternal return;” in which he poses this question: Suppose a person could live their entire life again and again, ad infinitum; would they live it differently? Can the person say they have lived a full life? Etc…

So this New Year, I’m posing this question to my own life and asking; ‘If I was to live 2011 all over again, would I change anything? Or was it a year well lived?

Over the past several years, I have been working on certain ‘life themes’ to better myself and to live a full life. Below, I have prioritized 7 of them that I continue to master. I’m bringing these 7 ‘continuing resolutions’ into the New Year and they are:

Live graciously: I will be gracious to people who irritate me; especially the drivers who cut me off or don’t let me merge, on my morning commute. And for the rude and discourteous people I come into contact with.  I’ll make it a point not let the person’s actions poison my mood; I’ll let it go, smile and move on.

Connect with curiosity: I will make connections with old friends and make new acquaintances. I will foster curiosity and learn something new about them; even people I have known along time. This year I will make connections with people, not because I have to but because I want to.  In this way, our time together will be meaningful and one of genuine care and curiosity.  

Lighten up: I will decrease listening to news and talk radio and spend time living in the moment. I’ll listen to music or sports or comedy shows. I will spend more time with people who don’t take life so seriously, and are not angry ideologues. I will not be hanging out with folks who are occupying Wall Street or any other street for that matter.   

Listen more and talk less: I will listen more and talk less. I will do this by practicing ‘empathic listening.’ I will begin with my boys, and understand their hopes and dreams, without imposing my dreams on them. I will empathically listen to people who have a different point of view, and see life through their eyes.

Laugh more: We all need to chill out and laugh more; I will find ways to laugh more this year; whether through movies, TV shows or just sharing laughter with others.

Attend church and actually learn: I will listen to my pastor’s sermons and actually learn from him, instead of critiquing what he says. I will turn off my ‘pastor/teacher’ default button, and become an active learner. I will enjoy the fellowship of my faith community and get to know my brothers and sisters in church.

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