Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Misery of Thin Skin

I'm offended by the "easily offended." It doesn't take much to set the "thin skinned" off. They are a hypersensitive bunch. The "thin skinned" spend a lot of time seeking out things that offend them. And as usual they find it. A tremendous amount of emotional energy is squandered with these easily offended folks.

When I have a conversation with a "thin skin," I choose my words carefully so not to offend. I walk on egg shells. No one wants to hear the dreaded words "I'm offended." Misery follows the emotionally thin skinned. Who are they? They're our co workers-our neighbors and brothers and sisters in our churches. It seems the church is full of them.

I could spot a "thin skin" in church; they mask their offense with a fake "righteous indignation." They're easily offended, legalistic and quick to condemn. To me they are the "walking wounded" who have found the church as a place to nurture their bitterness. 
These poor souls need to walk in the forgiving light of God's grace and love. Author Frank Viola once commented that God's people are the most easily offended people on the planet.

Deep wounds mar the thin skinned. But there is hope-a different way to live-a path to take towards healing. This path replaces the old ways of thinking with a new way. It removes misery and replaces it with peace and removes judgmentalism and replaces it with humility. It is the path of Forgiveness.

The first step on the path is giving the hurt over to God, daily and asking him to show you the way of forgiveness. The next step is to identify where the hurts come from. For some it is a Profound Insecurity which may lead you to believe you are unlovable, inadequate or worthless. Confront this lie.

Or maybe the wound is resentment which forgiveness can remove. The other wound can be a lack of trust in people. Find your wound, confess the sin and walk along the path of God's healing love. There is healing from the misery of Thin Skin. As a follower of Christ I need to "bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances I may have against another. I need to "Forgive as the Lord forgave me." Colossians 3:13.
Be free form the misery of Thin Skin.



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