I'm an ESFP-nice to meet you. Let me introduce my wife-she's an INTJ and my friend Allan here-is an INFJ. What are you?
Find out now by clicking on this online test by Humanmetrics and get your own 4 letter personality profile:http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp
When I say "Myers Briggs" my friends say oh yeah, "I'm an ESTJ or I'm an ISFJ"-whatever. But if I say "Carl Jung" my friends have this odd stare and drool falls from their mouth-it's rather disturbing. But it was Carl's insights on the human psyche that inspired a mother and daughter- Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs-Myers-to develop the Myers Briggs personality test. The 4 letters are your MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator)
Breaking Down The MB (Myers Briggs)
My personality is a combination of traits, characteristics, tendencies and dispositions which make up the real ME. It puts the B.O.B in Bob. Carl Jung said within the personality there are:
- Two Attitudes: Extravert or Introvert and
- Four Functions: Sensing; Intuition; Thinking and Feeling:
- Extravert: Outer-directed, chooses people as a source of energy, often action-oriented.
- Introvert: Inner-directed, chooses solitude to recover energy, often reflective.
- Thinking function: Logical, cool, distant, frank, questioning.
- Feeling function: Creative, warm, intimate, a sense of valuing positively or negatively.
- Sensing function: Sensory, oriented toward the body and senses, detailed, concrete, present.
- Intuitive function. goes with hunches, impractical, sometimes not present.
For a detailed description of the myers briggs test click here: http://www.teamtechnology.co.uk/tt/t-articl/mb-simpl.htm
Consider these questions:
Do certain people drive you crazy because of their personality?
Do you like to get involved with social events at work?
Ever wonder why you have a tendency to be shy?
What personality traits in people are you attracted to?
My personality helps me know my preferences for work, relationships and recreation. I know there are other factors involved as to why I act a certain way-like values and life circumstances. But knowing who you are and what makes you tick goes along way into becoming authentic and enjoying your life to the fullest.
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